How To Keep Your Shoes From Dry Rotting – 5 Sneaky Tricks

Summer is a time of endless fun, but it can also be a time of peril – namely, dry rot. Dry rot is a fungus that attacks leather and other materials and causes them to rot. Not only can it cause your shoes to dry out and rot, but it can also cause the leather to split, crack, and even crumble. So, how to keep your shoes from dry rotting?

There are a few things you can do to keep your shoes from drying out and rotting. First, try storing them in a cool, dry place. Second, make sure you replace any worn or damaged shoe soles as soon as possible. Lastly, avoid exposing your sneakers to direct sunlight – the UV rays will cause them to fade quickly.

What Exactly Is Dry Rot and What Causes It?

Summertime is the time of year when shoes start to suffer. Not only are they uncomfortable and hot, but they’re also prone to dry rot. What is dry rot, and what causes it? In a nutshell, dry rot is a fungus that attacks the leather in shoes. 

What happens to shoes that aren’t worn? The condition causes the leather to split and decay, turning it black and brittle. It’s most common in shoes that are not properly stored or treated and is especially common in shoes that are not stored in a cool, moist area. There are several ways to prevent dry rot from affecting your shoes – keep them clean, store them in a cool, moist area, and apply a protective coating every couple of months. 

Dry Rot in Leather Shoes

Leather shoes are a classic piece of footwear that can be worn for any occasion. However, dry rot can quickly ruin them, causing the shoes to shrink and crack, eventually leading to their downfall.

Prevention is key – keep your leather shoes clean and dry at all times, avoid excessive moisture accumulation and store them away from sunlight or heat. If you do find yourself experiencing dry rot in your leather shoes, don’t hesitate to seek professional help as this condition is not easily fixed on your own.

Dry Rot in Rubber Shoes

Dry rot is a moisture-sensitive fungus that can easily attack rubber shoes. If not treated quickly, it will cause the shoe to break down and ultimately rot. When you do notice signs of dry rot, be sure to replace your shoes as soon as possible!

How To Keep Your Shoes From Dry Rotting And Repair Dry Rot Shoes?  

Summertime is the time of year when shoes start to take a beating. Not only are they hot and uncomfortable, but they’re also susceptible to dry rot. Here are some sneaky tricks to keep your shoes from rotting:

1. Invest in a high-quality pair of shoes from the get-go

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for summer is to invest in a high-quality pair of shoes. Not only will they make your feet feel great, but also they’ll last you throughout the hot season.

To keep your shoes in good condition, store them in a cool and dry place and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or excessive heat. Be sure to clean them with a mild soap and water solution regularly – this will ensure that their leather remains soft and supple.

2. Store them in a controlled, dry environment

How to preserve shoes for a long time? It is significant to store your shoes in a dry, controlled environment. Shoes should be stored either in an airtight container or if you have to store them in a wet or humid environment, seal them in an airtight container. Occasionally dust with a dry, fine-milled powder to keep the leather supple and prevent cracking.

3. Don’t store your shoes in a plastic shoe box

Is it better to keep shoes in boxes or out? Shoe storage is an important part of keeping your shoes in good condition. However, storing them the wrong way can make things worse. Here are some tips to help you store your shoes correctly:

  • Store your shoes away from moisture and bacteria – they will easily absorb these elements and end up smelling bad. Instead, put them in a dry place where air circulation is possible.
  • Don’t store your shoes in plastic shoe boxes! This type of storage container traps moisture inside and makes it difficult for the leather to breathe. 
  • In addition, it’s also difficult to find a place to hang up your sneakers when they’re not being used – this becomes increasingly challenging as summer approaches!
  • For extra protection against weather extremes such as rain or extreme heat, keep your shoes stored in an airtight container or even better, hang them up so that they are out of direct sunlight and heat rays.

4. Use shoe trees, desiccants, or newspaper to absorb moisture

Shoe trees, desiccants, or newspaper are great ways to absorb moisture and prevent your shoes from drying out. Keeping them in an air-conditioned environment will prolong their life. You should check the condition of your shoes every two weeks and replace them when necessary.

5. Wear your shoes or condition them every couple of years.

Protecting your shoes from moisture and heat is essential for footwear longevity. Also, you should know how long after hip replacement can I tie my shoes. Follow these tips to keep them in good condition:

  • Store shoes in a dry and cool place.
  • Condition your shoes every couple of years by putting them into the oven on low heat or using a dehumidifier.
  • Protect them from rain and snow by storing them inside when possible, preferably in an airtight container.


  1. Can dry-rotted shoes be repaired?

Repairing dry rot shoes is not as difficult as it might sound, but it does require some knowledge and patience. If you take care of your shoes by cleaning them regularly and applying a waterproofing agent before storing them, they will likely last longer without rotting completely. 

  1. What is the best way to keep shoes from dry rotting?

The best way to keep your shoes from rotting is by storing them in a cool, dry place and sealing them with a waterproofing spray or cream. If you have leather shoes, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight as this can damage the skin and dye it brown over time.

  1. Should I put my shoes in the sun or a heat lamp when they are wet?

Shoes should be dry before being stored or worn again, so putting them in the sun is the best way to dry them up. Wet shoes can be placed on a heat lamp set at a low temperature. Make sure there’s enough space for the shoes to air out overnight.


Summer is here and that means long days spent outdoors in the scorching sun. Unfortunately, shoes are one of the items that tend to suffer the most. But, how to keep your shoes from dry rotting? By following these sneaky tricks, you can keep your shoes from dry rotting and staying in good condition all summer long!

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